Welcome to Joint’s a Hoppin’ – The lindy hop, balboa, shag and jive event for Surrey and Hampshire

A new lindy hop, swing and jive social dance event based at West End Social Club (WESC), West End, Woking, Surrey.  We aim to provide a regular opportunity for lindy hoppers, swing dancers and jivers to strut their stuff in a comfortable, sociable and informal environment. If you haven’t got a smile on your face when you arrive there’s a strong chance you’ll have one when you leave.

Rip your stuff

The spacious dance floor provides scope-a-plenty for you to rip your lindy hop, balboa, swing and jive.

Next Event

The next  Joint’s a Hoppin’ is on  Friday 31st January. This record hop will again be bringing you the best of recorded music for your dancing delectation, by way of the fabbest duo of DJs: Flat Foot Al and RococoMo. Plus we have the amazing Grace Ashby getting things started again with a 40min easy warm-up lindy hop class starting promptly at 19:30. So, truck on down and join us for your finely fettled fix of swing and jive.


Cash on the door: £9.00 .  Students: £5 (NUS card required).


We aim to deliver the best of vibes, supported by recorded music to suit vintage dance styles – lindy hop, balboa, shag and jive. If we haven’t got it, we’ll try to get it! Give us the feedback. As things develop live bands will be slated .

Get well chilled

Spacious seating area and air conditioning afford the chance to relax and chat between times.
Imbibe. There is a well stocked bar to hand, offering a wide range of soft and alcoholic drinks, including real ale, at club prices.


Make sure you pen in the last Friday of the month, ‘cus that’s when it’s at! Doors open from 19:00h for a 19:30 start, but check start times for particular events. We will be winding up at 23:00h.

Check out our Facebook page for any updates – there may be variations through the year;  https://www.facebook.com/groups/jointsahoppin/ .