

Events 2023

Last Friday of the month (unless otherwise indicated #)
From 19:45 until 23:00h

26th January.      Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

23rd February.    Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

22nd March.        Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

26th April.            Ewan Bleach’s Cable Street Rag Band.  £16*, £15 members, £8 students

31st May.             Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

June.                     No event scheduled.

19th July.              Cancelled

30th August.         Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

20th September.  Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

25th October.        Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students)

29th November.    Record Hop (+40 min. lindy class starting at 19:30).  £9*, £4 students

December.             No event scheduled

  • cost includes £1 supplement (paid to WESC) for non-members of WESC. Entry is £8 for members of WESC.

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